Finding Your Perfect Mix : Season of Giving and Love

Just your average mixed chick hanging at Holiday Matsuri

Do not forget the most important that we have: our relationships and our selves.

Around this time of year it is important to slow down and take a look around at everything we should be thankful for. Those are the reasons why we work so hard in the first place after all. So, take this moment to hang out with your family and friends. An important part of our perfect mix are experiences so lets discuss some ideas of experiences we can have with them to look back on.

Ideas for Young Adults to have the Best Christmas Experience

  1. Going to the Movies
  2. Looking up Local Christmas Events on Eventbrite
  3. Christmas Potluck at a Local Park
  4. Arts and Crafts Night at the House
  5. Old School Gift Exchange at the House
  6. Baking Night at the House

At the end of the day

Just because we are balling on a budget, does not mean we cannot have fun too. Life is not just about working hard. A perfect mix should always make an effort to balance life with work, so even if you cannot celebrate the day of. Do not forget that it does not matter when, we show I “love” you as long as we make sure its known. It can be conveyed by giving gifts like that Maursaint Bags linked below or by experiencing one of the above and keeping it close to your heart.

Have happy holidays and we wish you a great new year!