Make Your Dreams Reality and Find Your Perfect “Mix”

Life Is A Series Of Positive Experiences and Negative Complications.

There is no such thing as a existence that doesn’t have a good amount complications, however there can be a life with a few amount of good experiences in it. While as children, we do not have a lot of control of when and where these experiences happens. The gift that comes with growing older is said “control”

Corporate Mixed Chick

When saying control is a gift, it can be interpreted as having that control is an total advantage. That would be a lie, the one thing we can control is ourselves and the decision we make. For example, an adult that has enough money can buy themselves a motorcycle. This does not mean they can ride down the highway at 60 miles an hour. Its more likely that they will have need to mix in time and effort, before they can enjoy the experience and freedom that comes with zooming around the highway. Finding your mix (perfect or not) is ideal for achieving a life style that is satisfactory for yourself.

Deciding What Your “Perfect Mix” Is

Now I am not going to sit here and lie to you, there is no such thing as a perfect mix for everyone. However you can find the perfect mix for you. This mix will not come without sacrifices, it is up to you to envision the life you can look back and achieve your dreams. Sit down, take a breathe, and write a list of most important to you. Whether its time, freedom, individuality, creativity, relationships, or new experiences. Number them by most to least important, this will help you when envision the life you would like to live and help you find your “perfect mix”

Achieving Your Perfect Mix

In my experience, to achieve your dreams you first need to draft a game plan. Once your finished making your list of priorities, find a way to make the top three important categories on your list happen. If your top three categories are time, relationship, and new experiences. Find an industry that can give you all three, you may have to sacrifice individuality or/and creativity with your job. If you love your individuality, creativity, and freedom. Make your own business or side hustle, the sacrifice can be time and stability. Think deeply of how you want to look back at your life and adjust accordingly, there are multiple ways to get your perfect mix. You just need to do the work to find it.